Jason Leggett
Glass Artist

My story so far

I became a Glass Artist back in December 2015, I was in a job that was making me very unhappy and was given an opportunity by my wonderful partner Ruth to do something I really wanted to do. So I decided to become a self employed Glass artist and initially I was working from my loft and had a Hobby-fuser kiln in my garden shed. I realised that I only had very limited knowldge of the techniques of glass fusing and copper foiling. I set about attending as many classes and courses as I could and this enabled me to expand my knowledge and skills, as well as meeting some wonderful, talented and knowledgeable people. After completing a number of classes I continued to practice as well as experimenting. I decided I would like to start sharing my skills and looked into the possibility of teaching others. It was then that I realised that I would need a studio/workshop and managed to find a small 4 x 4 meter room in a beautiful location. I refitted the room out with new electrical supply, flooring lighting and equipment. This has given me the opportunity to provide classes for up to a maximum of 4 students per workshop.